Preparing your tax return can be a stressful endeavor for a lot of people, especially actors, artists and content creators who often overlook expenses they incurred during the previous year that would or could qualify as acceptable business-related deductions. It’s important to always consult with a tax preparer professional to be sure that the expenses you want to write-off qualify as an allowable deductions. Brad addresses the benefits and rewards of getting it right in his latest Backstage column (February 2023). |
Among the many business of acting “teachable moments” to come out of the pandemic is the critical lesson about how to hit a home run with every self-tape you submit and every virtual live audition you are invited to attend. Roles have been won or lost not based on an actor’s talent or readiness to play the role, but because the process of getting it technically right was either overlooked or not paid enough attention to. Don’t let that happen to you! Read Brad’s latest contribution to Backstage in a byline he shares with acting coach Craig Wallace (March 2022). |
One of the biggest lessons to come out of the now-with-us-forever pandemic self-tape landscape isn’t about your acting audition at all. Instead, the big teachable moment is all about the value, the importance, the critical nature, of the one component of your self-tape that you probably haven’t put much effort into: your slate! That’s about to change. That’s the topic of Brad’s much talked about latest column in Backstage (June 2021). |
It's great to see the pandemic thaw continuing. But as we continue to emerge, some of the changes and challenges COVID brought us will be here for a while, like virtual showcases. How to get it right? Brad offers advice on how to nail your next showcase in his Backstage column (May 2021). |
Got an offer of representation? Be sure to check out that agent or manager before you sign on the dotted line (virtual or otherwise). If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Brad offers advice on how to avoid being scammed by a so-called "talent rep" in his Backstage column (April 2021). |
Interested in owning your own talent agency or management firm? It's about the business of the business first - and then it becomes about the business of acting. Brad offers his plan-of-approach for this entrepreneurial endeavor in his Backstage column (March 2021). |
Brad writes often about the business of acting for actors and content creators. But what if you are interested in a career as a talent rep? His newest Backstage column explores some of the job requirements for a career as a talent manager (January 2021). |
The impact of the COVID pandemic on the business of acting continues to drastically impact an already compromised industry. Brad offers a perspective on the landscape moving forward in the CGTN America news coverage of the current situation (January 2021). |
The pandemic has had most people searching for a "Plan B" for how to move forward with personal and professional plans, while both keeping safe and emotionally fit. Brad talks with noted Boston-area psychiatrist, author and creator of the award-winning adolescent and teen addiction recovery project "Drug Story Theatre" Dr. Joseph Shrand on his popular "The Dr. Joe Show" radio broadcast and podcast (January 2021). |
Are you ready to go back to work? Do you feel safe stepping onto a set during the pandemic? Do you understand your role in keeping yourself well? In his Backstage column, Brad dives into the answers to these key questions that every actor, every content creator, should be asking themselves – and those who represent them -- before saying “yes” to any opportunity to work, especially on a COVID-compliant set (November 2020). |
This has been a tough year to feel career traction on your journey. But maybe it hasn't been a total loss? Maybe you have had some "added value" opportunities (in person before COVID or virtually in these months during the pandemic) that will give your brand a boost? It is rarely dollars earned the define a career. That's the topic of Brad’s updated Backstage column (October 2020). |
Brad talks with the hosts of Chicago’s WGN-TV Morning News about his COVID Update book supplement and the pandemic’s impact of the business of acting (August 2020). |
Brad talks with the “working actors” Pamela Roylance (Nancy Drew), Eric Rollins, Ron Weisberg and Chris Ranney about their perspectives on and advice to fellow actors about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in this special Inside the Business of Acting Facebook Live broadcast (August 2020). |
Talent Manager Offers Actors Insight, Guidance and A Path Forward in COVID Update Book Supplement” – (August 2020). |
The pandemic has brought drastic changes and challenges to the business of acting and while the adjustment is an ongoing one, it’s not all bad. The new landscape is creating tremendous opportunity in the form of virtual, live auditions … but opportunity can also come with risk, which Brad addresses in his Backstage column (August 2020) |
Talent Manager Offers Actors Insight, Guidance & A Path Forward in COVID Update Book Supplement” – LinkedIn (August 2020). |
Agents get jobs; managers focus on the global view and progression of a client's career ... and, of course, we want you to work as an actor. But getting to work doesn't always mean booking the job. You have to book the room first. It's part of a bigger conversation in this new landscape that Brad had Benjamin Lindsay, Managing Editor at Backstage (July 2020). |
No mask, no work. Want a snack? Bring your own! Getting ready to for your close-up comes with a whole new set of rules to keep you and your fellow artists safe in this COVID-19 landscape. Brad writes about the changes and the challenges now in place (June 2020). |
Brad was interview by CTGN America about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the network television pilot season (May 2020). |
Brad’s April Backstage column offers up a strategy for how to use your unexpected down time to get prepped and ready for getting back to work, post-pandemic. (April 2020). |
Think about changing agents? Brad’s March Backstage columns offers up a perspective to consider and a strategy to implement before pulling that trigger (March 2020). |
Brad’s September Backstage column addresses the new pilot season landscape. In short, it's not really a "season" anymore. Now, it is pilot season all of the time ... and that requires now year-round preparation and readiness for both actors and those of us who represent them (September 2019). |
“The truth is everybody has to work a little harder … these days,” Brad explained to actor Ashley Ward. In her Sol Blog post, Ashley reports on her lengthy interview with Brad about the state of the industry landscape and about how to keep moving forward on a career journey that will take you to the places you really want to be -- and leave you with less time spent at those places you might have to stop for a while, but do not want to. Brad also discusses how an empowered perspective can open the doors to great opportunities (September 2019). |
New Mexico-based actor and proud “Hollywood hyphenate” Ron Weisberg talks with Brad in episode 14 of the Sol Studio Podcast about some of the unexpected challenges for actors in the new business of acting, including when and when not to talk politics at an audition, at a call back, on a set. Short answer: Never (September 2019). |
Actress Betty White made it cool to be an older actor in the new business of acting. The result is that older actors have never been in greater demand than right now. Brad addresses the must-dos for new actors entering the industry later in life – (and there are a lot of them!) in his Backstage Experts column titled “A Talent Manager on The Betty White Factor & the Musts for Actors Starting Later in Life” (August 2019). |
In episode 103 of his popular podcast for actors, fellow actor, entrepreneur and industry hyphenate Keith Allen West talks with Brad about creating visibility, generating awareness and a long list of other important topics on the agenda of things to tend to proactively for actors of any age, at any stage, of their careers (August 2019). |
How did you spend your summer vacation? If your answer is “content creating,” then A+ for you! The down time during our often long, hot summers is a great time to create the kind of career potential evidence that can work in your favor all year long. Brad addresses this in his Backstage Experts column titled “How Creating Content in the Summer Pays Off in the Fall” (July 2019). |
Post traditional network pilot season each year is a great opportunity to take stock of your status. It is a prolific time of year for talent representatives who seek to make some changes to their client rosters; some clients get dropped, others are picked up. But for both represented and unrepresented talent, it is a great time of the year to make some changes of their own. Brad addresses this in his Backstage Experts column titled “What You Need to Know About Representation Post-Pilot Season” (April 2019). |
Having a handle on your business of acting expenses and, with it, a tax season strategy that guides you year-round can make each April 15th IRS due date a little less taxing. Brad discusses “How to Save as Much as Possible with Your Tax Deductions in his Backstage Experts column (March 2019). |
The new business of acting has presented changes and challenges in the landscape that are keeping all actors on their toes – or should! Brad talks with “The Actors Lounge” podcast host Mel V. about what’s new, what’s shifting and how to manage through it all as you move forward on your career journey (May 2019). |
Running late for an audition, especially in LA? "Better have loose change handy" and other valuable pieces of career-protecting advice are contained in a cautionary tale Brad shares in his latest Backstage column, “When Arriving on Time is Too Late …” (March 2019). |
Los Angeles-based photographer Beth Kukucka reviewed “The Next Edition,” with special attention to the chapter on head shots, for her blog (January 2019). |
Emerson College Los Angeles published a profile story on Brad and his latest book as a “Notable Alumni” of the Boston-based school (January 2019). |
“Act Like an Adult” is the attention-grabbing title of Lisa Ellen Niver’s review and feature story on The Next Edition in the Jewish Journal (December 2018). |
“How to Handle Awkward Questions About Your Acting Career Over the Holidays” – Heading home for the holidays can be stressful enough. Add to that a barrage of inquiries about why you’re not a star yet and it can add to the often-normal stress that these family-and-friend reunions can stir. In his “Backstage Experts” column, Brad offers his list of survival tips to pack with you for the season’s journey home (November 2018). |
“Creating, Promoting, Marketing & Protecting Your Brand Online” – The worldwide web can create some global brand and image challenges for both new-to-the-business and established, “working” actors. Expounding on a chapter in The Next Edition, Brad address the issue his guest blogger column for Casting Frontier (October 2018). |
WGN-TV, in Chicago, helped launch the mid-west arrival of “The Next Edition.” Co-anchors Larry Potash and Robin Baumgarten interviewed Brad about the new landscape and the new book (October 2018). |
“Three Ways to Prep for Pilot Season Right Now” -- Backstage adds Brad to their team as a “Backstage Expert” contributing columnist. His first article addresses network pilot season 2019 (September 2018).
| announces the New York talk-and-signing event for “The Next Edition” (September 2018).
| announces The Drama Book Shop’s New York City event for “The Next Edition” (September 2018).
Fox 11 News, in Los Angeles, helped launched “The Next Edition” with an appearance by Brad. He was by interviewed by noon news co-anchors Bob DeCastro and Marla Tellez (September 2018).
| announces the publication of Brad’s new book (September 2018).
The right pilot season strategy can make all the difference in the world as you travel on your career journey. Creating a plan to guide you can have benefits that linger through the rest of the year and beyond. In his Back Stage column, Brad Lemack offers up a five-step plan to guide you through pilot season in ways that can help you make your mark and build your brand. |
When should an actor/spouse shift gears to become their partner’s spouse/manager? Don’t even think about it! Jackie Apodaca’s Back Stage column on “Managing Your Man” features an interview with Brad Lemack on the topic. (November 2011) |
When should actors team up to manage each other? Never! Jackie Apodaca’s insightful Back Stage column features an interview with Brad Lemack on the topic. (May 2011) | |
Editor Larry Caldwell went on the road with Brad Lemack to report on The Business of Acting “Live” from a recent seminar at the AFTRA headquarters, in Los Angeles, for the Emerson College magazine The Hollywood Report. (May 2011) | |
How do you go from college graduate to working actor? Brad Lemack weighs in on how to turn your college or university degree into an employable career in the Back Stage article “Things They Don’t Teach You in Acting School: Experts Share Their Wisdom.” (April 2011) | |
Read Brad Lemack's Back Stage article and excerpt from Chapter 10 of The New Business of Acting about how to create an action plan for career success (November 2010). | |
Read the RP Workshops Blog and Report on Brad Lemack's session on The New Business of Acting with AFTRA members at a recent AFTRA Members Education event (November 2010): | |
Read the Book Soup Blog about The New Business of Acting and Brad Lemack's in-store appearance: | |
Read Don Grigware's review of The New Business of Acting in (October 2010) "Lemack 's New 'How To ... Book' - A Must Read for Serious Actors". |